An aesthetic clinic is a medical facility that specialises in improving the appearance or health of your skin. Throughout the years, they have been gaining popularity, especially since many show interest to improve and maintain their overall appearances.
Despite its rise, many are still sceptical about the treatment solutions offered at an aesthetic clinic. This can be due to many things such as; lack of exposure, fear of cost, cosmetic shaming and many more.
However, you’d be surprised to learn that a visit to an aesthetic clinic just might be the solution to your current skin issues. Here’s when to know it’s time:

Despite your best attempts with natural remedies or skincare, your skin problems doesn’t seem to improve.
1. You did all you could
Picture this; you noticed acnes began popping all over your face and you don’t know the causes. So you are determined to do what you can and spend many hours (and money!) by practising good diets, exercises, habits and routines.
However after some time, you’re just not seeing little to no result! This leaves you feeling disheartened and given up your goals to achieve your clean skin.
But not all solutions you read from the internet are a one fit for all. It could be that you’re doing something wrong which is why professional advice is needed as they can help you determine what’s best for your skin.

Not only does it not improve but your skin issues seem to worsen.
2. It’s getting worse..
What’s more concerning than not seeing a single improvement? It got worse.
Nobody likes to see their overall skin (or body!) appearances and health deteriorate. If that’s the case, stop what you’re doing! It could be that you’re only going to make things much worse. Yes, even the so-called ‘good’ habits.
It’s best to set an appointment with a professional as soon as possible as they can diagnose the problems and provide solutions for your issues.

If you’ve been suffering from certain skin issues for a while now, it may be time to see an expert.
3. It’s been a while..
Always heard the advice to seek a doctor if you’ve been plagued by any health related issues for weeks now?
The same applies here. If left to the side, there is no way you can see your condition and issues improve. And how will you do that since you can’t determine what’s wrong?
With professional diagnosis, you can better determine your skin’s problems and find the exact solution to treat it.
Now that you’re convinced, don’t hesitate to book a consultation with Dr Abby Clinic! Our team of experts are equipped with the latest technology and can assist by providing a personalised treatment while ensuring that your session is safe and enjoyable always.