Only in a few weeks, you can see obvious reductions in your tummy, thighs, and arms.
Slim, tucked, toned, and defined; that is how we (as collectives) see what a beautiful body should look like. In fact, we see it every day on our phones, billboards, tv, ads, etc., these gorgeous women donning their perfectly sculpted figures onto our faces with their visible lean abs beneath their skins. We all want bodies like them, ultimately for our own self-body image and confidence boost. But, with a busy working schedule like most of us have, working 9-6 with very little consciousness on our diet cannot make that dream any more realistic, at least not in the near few months.

A slim and toned figure is what many dream of having but it can be challenging to achieve due to various factors.
Achieving a healthy body is easy, but accomplishing your dream body is strenuous. Why do I say this? Well, you can cut off weight from exercising, reduce bloating from diets, and tone up with weight training. But, to look visibly slim, toned, and defined on problematic areas—arms, thighs, buttocks, and muffin top—is almost out of the question.
However, let me tell you. With the help of technology and smart inventions, dermatologist or licensed aestheticians like me can now tuck away your belly fat and down-size your figure without the need for surgery or liposuction! How? Ever heard of BTL Vanquish Me?

BTL Vanquish Me is relatively new but it is safe and painless, no surgery or needles required!
BTL Vanquish Me: Most Powerful Non-Surgical Fat Burner (As Of 2022!)
If you have not heard of BTL Vanquish ME, it is because it is a fairly new treatment. It benefits the highly-effective radiofrequency energy to heat up and kill fat cells, and it does it without even touching the skin. How is this possible? Basically, this machine burns your fat cells, and then, over a few days, your lymphatic system gets rid of the cells—in other words, you excrete them all out.
“VANQUISH ME is the second generation of contactless technology for non-invasive fat cell disruption. With the largest treatment area in the industry, it treats flank to flank in one session, all with unrivaled patient comfort and safety.” — BTL Aesthetics.
They are good for people who want to get rid of muffin tops, those who want to tone up their thighs and buttocks area, and those who wish to cut off excess fat in delicate and specific areas. While it is the best FDA-approved non-invasive body slimming treatment in the US so far, BTL Vanquish ME is not a super common treatment, and there are only a few places in Malaysia that do it.

BTL Vanquish Me uses radiofrequency energy to melt away stubborn fat cells.
BTL Vanquish Me Experience: It Feels Like A Sauna!
When my patients ask me how the treatment feels like, the best way I can describe the actual process of getting Vanquish ME is like being in a sauna, except you literally just lie on a reclining chair minus the hot steam. The aesthetician will maneuver this machine around you and adjust it to fit just over the area you want to treat, making sure it is not actually touching you, but rather, hovering right above you. Then they turn it on, and you chill there for 45 minutes. You can watch TV, meditate, talk to the aesthetician, anything!
At most, the process is mildly warm. It will sort of feel like putting a heating pad onto your skin—about a 3 on a 1 to 10 scale. Overall, it is fairly a simple procedure for a very effective treatment. That is why I recommend it so much! People can get good results without the need for excessive effort.
“Comfort is the main advantage of BTL VANQUISH ME compared to some other shaping therapies. All you will typically feel is a warm sensation in the treated area which may last for a few hours post-therapy. The treatment is performed in a lying position so you can easily relax during the procedure.” — BTL Aesthetics.

You’ll be able to see visible results after 3 to 4 treatment.
The Results; Seeing Is Believing
Most people, typically, will need between 4 to 5 BTL Vanquish ME treatments for maximum results. But, in just 2 visits, you can already see improvements without the need to change your diet, exercise, and health regimen. You will not be losing any weight however, you will see reductions in measurement. In just 2 treatments, you can lose up to half an inch (1.27 centimeters). With that, your body will feel much smoother and more defined. I would say; you will be doing the bare minimum to look flawlessly gorgeous!
“It has been documented that VANQUISH ME treatments cause permanent fat reduction with results visible even after 4 years. 29% reduction in fat layers.” — BTL Aesthetics.

Whether it be your skin or body concern, Dr Abby Clinic can offer the solutions.
#1 Body Slimming Treatment, By Best Reviewed Aesthetic Clinic in KL
Your beauty is our duty. Dr. Abby Clinic is a personalized cosmetic medical clinic offering a wide range of aesthetic, anti-aging medicine services, and body slimming solutions. We strive to be the most reliable, professional, result-oriented & friendly aesthetician in town. Because everybody deserves to look and feel good & be comfortable in their own skin!
Our clinic is a fully MOH registered clinic led by LCP Certified Doctors with the best aesthetic devices in the market. Contact us today, and we will get started by giving you a thorough analysis.
Book an appointment with us today, beautiful!
Dr Abby